So imagine, if you will, you live in a foreign country, and are trying to decide where your child will go to school in a DIFFERENT foreign country, and the only resource you really have is the Internet. Now suppose, that the country you are looking into is one of the poorest countries in Latin America, and no one has a web site. Sigh...
So the search has begun. We are only 5 months away from being in Honduras, and we need to start looking into and applying for a school for Madison to attend, and you guessed it - of the 6 bilingual schools, only ONE has a web site. And, of course, the one that has the web site is so expensive, it is more expensive then it would be if we sent her to a private school in the states. Go figure. So - I've been able to contact a few people who used to live in Honduras and had children go to school there to try and narrow things down. It's been daunting! This is a difficult prospect. Mike is going to try and get a trip to Honduras in April after our trimester ends to secure housing. I'm hoping to have a decision about Madison's schooling by then so he can also go and register her for classes. Please pray for that to happen!
I just typed in your prayer request for Maddy's school. Eek! What a crazy task, huh?
I can't wait to see/hear God's answer to this one!
Jim for Sara
We will certainly be praying for ya'll and your decision process of where Maddy will go to school.
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