Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Country - New Look

First day of school in front of the smaller children's play area.

Madison's teacher - Ms. Melanie. Hmmm...they look to be the same size! Go figure!

Hey gang - I decided to change my look to reflect our move to Costa Rica - so you are still in the same place, don't fret!

It was Madison's first day of school, and she couldn't have been more excited! She actually laid out her clothes the night before! Her backpack was packed before we even left the states. She has 10 kids in her class, 7 of which are boys! Yikes! She has Math, Bible, History, Spanish, Science, Grammar, Gym, and her elective - which she chose Science Club. She also is going to take an after-school activity. Her choices are gymnastics or soccer - she's picking gymnastics. Their day starts off in the gym with worship and prayer time, then off to class. She is in the same classroom except for Spanish, she has a different teacher and different class. She also has a locker, but we need to purchase a lock -haven't found one yet.

Our day consisted of meeting people, and touring around the school. We haven't received an official orientation of what our schooling will consist of. Maybe tomorrow. We have a total of 4 days of orientation.


1. Went to the grocery store by ourselves - no interpreter - needed to get some hamburger. I could get out the "I need some hamburger" in Spanish, but when he asked me "how much" (in Spanish) - that's when the blank look came in. Luckily, he was very helpful, and we managed to figure it out :-) Uno Kilo por favor (one kilo please - no pounds around here)

2. Walked through HUGE downpour with groceries in hand - not so fun (we are here right in the middle of the rainy season)

3. First day of orientation for language school

4. Purchased special type of bread (pan de hawiaian - I think that's the spelling - no, it's NOT Hawaiian bread) at the local bakery - still not quite sure what we purchased (haven't tried it yet), but it sure looks good!

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