- Another beautiful day in Costa Rica. Well...we were chancing the odds. We washed our clothes yesterday and hung them on the clothes line hoping they would be fine by the time we got back from school. The rain hits here from around 2pm until about 8pm. Well...about 2 hours into school, the biggest rain storm we have seen yet hit. That's when we thought of our poor clothes hanging on the line. By the time we got home, you would have thought we jumped in a pool, how wet they were.
- Madison did well at school yesterday. We shall see how today goes as she continues to settle in. Homework is a whole new concept for her, having been homeschooled for so long, but she seems to be doing fairly well.
- More orientation today, day off tomorrow! YEAH! Think we are going to try and hit the farmers market and get some fresh veggies and fruit - of course then we are going to have to soak them for 30 minutes in bleach water - welcome to Costa Rica!
Wanna see what rain looks like in Costa Rica? Go here:
Erin Pettengill is a missionary nurse through Mission to the World (MTW), the mission sending arm of the (PCA). I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years. My family and I served in Honduras for 7 1/2 years where we were involved in Medical/Mercy Ministry, Street Children, English classes, Kids Club, and Church Planting. We are now serving in Equatorial Guinea, Africa in medical/mercy ministry and biblical teaching.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Welcome to 3rd world culture!
Our internet is down at home - we do have access at school, and that's what I'm using, BUT we can't plug our memory card into the computer, so no pics today. So sad :-( We are still waiting to get internet at our home. We have been able to get wi-fi off of our neighbor for now, but he's currently unable to get on his internet. Sigh...
Had a placement exam today to see what level of Spanish they are going to put us in - we find out next Monday, and start our schooling on Tuesday! We can't wait!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
New Country - New Look
Madison's teacher - Ms. Melanie. Hmmm...they look to be the same size! Go figure!
Hey gang - I decided to change my look to reflect our move to Costa Rica - so you are still in the same place, don't fret!
It was Madison's first day of school, and she couldn't have been more excited! She actually laid out her clothes the night before! Her backpack was packed before we even left the states. She has 10 kids in her class, 7 of which are boys! Yikes! She has Math, Bible, History, Spanish, Science, Grammar, Gym, and her elective - which she chose Science Club. She also is going to take an after-school activity. Her choices are gymnastics or soccer - she's picking gymnastics. Their day starts off in the gym with worship and prayer time, then off to class. She is in the same classroom except for Spanish, she has a different teacher and different class. She also has a locker, but we need to purchase a lock -haven't found one yet.
Our day consisted of meeting people, and touring around the school. We haven't received an official orientation of what our schooling will consist of. Maybe tomorrow. We have a total of 4 days of orientation.
1. Went to the grocery store by ourselves - no interpreter - needed to get some hamburger. I could get out the "I need some hamburger" in Spanish, but when he asked me "how much" (in Spanish) - that's when the blank look came in. Luckily, he was very helpful, and we managed to figure it out :-) Uno Kilo por favor (one kilo please - no pounds around here)
2. Walked through HUGE downpour with groceries in hand - not so fun (we are here right in the middle of the rainy season)
3. First day of orientation for language school
4. Purchased special type of bread (pan de hawiaian - I think that's the spelling - no, it's NOT Hawaiian bread) at the local bakery - still not quite sure what we purchased (haven't tried it yet), but it sure looks good!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Settling In
Monday, August 27, 2007
We have arrived in Costa Rica!
16 bags into the car. Hard to see - but there are 3 layers of duffel bags on top of that car!
This has been a day of firsts! Whew!
We arrived to San Jose, Costa Rica after getting almost no sleep on the plane (plane left at 0100) in the morning. Our 16 bags flew through customs without a hitch. Getting them on the vehicle that picked us up - well...as they say - a picture speaks a thousand words...
Arrived at our apartment - it's small, but clean, and cute! We immediately ran off to go get some lunch, and over to the grocery store for some needed items - household goods, food, etc. Came back, and started unpacking.
My firsts:
1. traveled with 16 bags (didn't fall down any steps this time)
2. Living in Costa Rica
3. cooked rice for the first time (hey - I've always had a rice cooker - why bother?)
4. washed the dishes in cold water (no hot at the tap), with Lye (only thing around here that works with cold water)
5. Spoke my first Spanish to a national
6. Survived through my first 8 hour downpour (it's the rainy season here afterall - supposed to be like this every day!)
7. Cooked on the worlds smallest stove
8. Called on my Vonage phone back home (it's a local call afterall :-)
9. Made my first blog from Blogger - but it's all in Spanish!!! Don't know how to change it!! Luckily I have most of the locations memorized - I can't read Spanish yet! (HELP!! Anyone out there know how to change it back to English?!)
Anyway - I'm sure there will be many more first tomorrow, but wanted to share a few today.
Adios California, Hola Costa Rica!
Saturday, August 25, 2007

one day and counting
Thursday, August 23, 2007
3 days and counting
Goodbyes continue. We have been blessed by having the opportunity to visit more friends for dinner, desert, and fellowship. The Dwyers are fellow missionaries on their way to Australia. They are with the Navigators, and will be doing ministry work in Sydney. The Roops are a great family we have known for a long time. Their children are home schooled, and we have done some field trips and other fun stuff with them. Madison and Linnea have been in AWANA's together for 7 years. Both families have been very encouraging in our trials during our itineration, and it is with mixed emotions that we leave them. However, we know for a fact that we will be seeing them in Honduras in the future. We look forward to that time.
Madison has been diligently packing and her room is almost complete. I'll probably finish it up while she is at grandmothers house. She will be over at her house getting wonderfully spoiled until Saturday where we have a family going-away party. Sunday, church, and a fellowship going-away party, then leave Sunday evening to San Francisco where we will catch the red-eye and arrive in San Jose, Costa Rica around 9:30 in the morning. Well refreshed I'm sure. I should have an opportunity to write again, but if there is a few days delay, you will all know why. It will also take a few days to set up Internet, so there may be as much as a week delay from this and my next blog. Patience please, but we will have some wonderful pictures to share by that time, so the wait will be worth it. God Bless to all.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
6 more days
Emily and Madison sleeping over
Sunday, August 19, 2007
7 days and counting!
My two favorite men...hmm...I'm thinking they look alike! (Mike and my dad)
AARRGGHH!!!! Only 7 days left before we leave!!! Today Mike had to go speak at our last church, but Madison and I had the chance to be at service at Soaring Oaks - our home church. And, the best news yet - my parents were able to join us! It was an awesome service, and my parents felt very welcome. "No wonder you go to this church. It's so alive!" This from my dad :-) We felt very blessed to be able to share our church family with our own family :-) We then took a quick jaunt home, spent a few hours showing the car off (trying to sell the truck), then met back up with my parents for dinner. Had a nice time of chatting, eating, and just spending time together. It was the last time we will be seeing them for awhile - other than through pictures and through the Internet. A tearful farewell, but one with good tidings and love!!!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Saying goodbyes!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Packing and goodbyes
Monday, August 13, 2007
Arizona - Good bye!
It was also a sad, final farewell with our dearest friends the McKeown's. It has been such a blessing to have this incredible family in our lives, and that each of us have become as much friends to every member in the household shows how amazing they all are! We went out to breakfast at Mimi's Cafe, and had prayer time in the 110 degree weather in the parking lot. A lot of tears were shed, and some wonderful fellowship time. With a tearful final hug all around, we headed out. We are crossing the desert of Arizona on our way to Southern California to spend the night with Mike's brother, then finally home to Elk Grove tomorrow morning, where the final preparations will be made to leave in 14 days! Yikes! Please pray for our peace of mind, for final preparations, and for all the small details to happen.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Arizona - Friday
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Arizona - Thursday
My happy friend Jeff - makes some awesome latte's
Madison and her dear friend Liam
We took this day to enjoy a little that Phoenix has to offer - the 108 degree weather, and the nice cool theaters! We enjoyed Rescue Dawn at the movies, and the kids had fun playing. We are going to a dinner tonight with some folks from a church we are being financially supported by. Our time in Arizona is more than half over, and is coming to a quicker ending then we would have thought. We are sleeping on air mattresses, and miss our beds, but enjoy our time here so much. The pictures above are friends Jeff, Dannie, Liam, Nick, and Daisy.