Praying with our little patients

Assessment, Evaluation, and Patient Data on the computer

Working on the last few lines of "bloque"

Helping out Santos laying mortar and bricks.

Today another very full day. Started out with construction. Doesn't look like the house is going to be completed before the team leaves - but we will probably start pouring the floor tomorrow. We will only be missing the roof. Will have to be left for the next team. Ah well! Then, part of the team left with me and we set up the free mobile medical clinic. The team jumped into unfamiliar areas and did a fantastic job! We saw almost 40 patients ranging from an 18 month old who has almost lost the tip of his finger from an accidental machete cut, to a severe diabetic I advised to go immediately to the hospital. We finished up around 4 in the afternoon, back for showers, then out for a traditional Honduran meal. A good day indeed! Tomorrow is the last full day in La Ceiba, Honduras for this team this year. It sure seemed to fly by! Tomorrow is construction in the morning, then the afternoon for their 1/2 day off at the beach! As long as it doesn't rain like it did today! Yikes!
I'm glad Donnette is getting in these photos because if she's there, I'm sure Christopher is there somewhere! (Just not in the photos!) I know they have appreciated the opportunity to work with you this week. God bless you all.
love the new blog layout! and, man you guys have been BUSY these past few months!
I miss you too!! Maybe one of these years, we'll happen to plan our US furloughs at the same time - wouldn't that be cool?!?! We could probably manage to sneak off one night for sushi and drinks. :)
i need to send you an email, too, cuz i need some HOMESCHOOL advise.....*weeping bitterly at the thought*
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