Erin Pettengill is a missionary nurse through Mission to the World (MTW), the mission sending arm of the (PCA). I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years. My family and I served in Honduras for 7 1/2 years where we were involved in Medical/Mercy Ministry, Street Children, English classes, Kids Club, and Church Planting. We are now serving in Equatorial Guinea, Africa in medical/mercy ministry and biblical teaching.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I'm always challenged each week at our medical clinic. When I think I've seen the "norms" of what I'm going to see, along comes a new thing. Today we had many "normal" things - such as colds, ear infections, lots of parasites, etc. However, today I saw a few things I've not dealth with in Armenia Bonito, but was able to assist! God is equipping me everyday! Amen! One of the things I find really rewarding is health teaching. Things that are so obvious to us - covering your mouth when you cough, wash your hands after you sneeze into them, etc. are not things that kids hear growing up. I did some teaching on diabetes, hypertension, and general health today. I am also starting to have return visits - every 6 months we give anti-parasitic meds, and am now on 2nd rounds with many people. So AWESOME to know that for 6 months at a time I can keep a kid (mostly) parasitic free! All this and pray with them, give out Christian literature, and show them Christ's love! What more could I want?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Young Oneida

Oneida is a young girl whom we met not long after we arrived in Armenia Bonito more than a year ago. In the beginning days, she would look at us from afar, curious but afraid to approach. We would see her watching us, safely from a distance, but with a clear longing on her face to be involved. We have slowly started learning about her, and she has become dear to our hearts. Oneida is mute. For all intense and purposes she doesn't speak. She has learned to mimic a few sounds to try and make herself understood, but has no grasp on her own language. She does understand when you speak to her, and is not deaf. Her mother died when she was quite young, of which no one really knows the real story of what happened. Her father is a day worker, and is gone from the house for most of the day, and while he IS home, he gives almost no care and attention to Oneida, her sister or her brother. So - Oneida is alone in caring for her small family. Over several months, she slowly started approaching these funny looking white people, and during one activity - girls day out - she advanced us and wanted her hair cut, and for us to put pretty bows in her hair. From that day on she has decided that these adults (us) are "safe" adults. We have also come to find out that many adults in the community have taken it upon themselves to lash out at her when they are angry or upset - she is their punching bag. She is treated like the dozens of stray dogs and is the object of many peoples angry lashes. It is young girls like this one, and her family that we hope to minister to when we eventually have a street children's home. To be able to take her, her brother and sister in - care for them - give them food to eat, and love into their lives, and Christ in their heart. Please pray for Oneida and her family as we continue to develop a trusting relationship with her.
My two sweet girls
Oneida is a young girl whom we met not long after we arrived in Armenia Bonito more than a year ago. In the beginning days, she would look at us from afar, curious but afraid to approach. We would see her watching us, safely from a distance, but with a clear longing on her face to be involved. We have slowly started learning about her, and she has become dear to our hearts. Oneida is mute. For all intense and purposes she doesn't speak. She has learned to mimic a few sounds to try and make herself understood, but has no grasp on her own language. She does understand when you speak to her, and is not deaf. Her mother died when she was quite young, of which no one really knows the real story of what happened. Her father is a day worker, and is gone from the house for most of the day, and while he IS home, he gives almost no care and attention to Oneida, her sister or her brother. So - Oneida is alone in caring for her small family. Over several months, she slowly started approaching these funny looking white people, and during one activity - girls day out - she advanced us and wanted her hair cut, and for us to put pretty bows in her hair. From that day on she has decided that these adults (us) are "safe" adults. We have also come to find out that many adults in the community have taken it upon themselves to lash out at her when they are angry or upset - she is their punching bag. She is treated like the dozens of stray dogs and is the object of many peoples angry lashes. It is young girls like this one, and her family that we hope to minister to when we eventually have a street children's home. To be able to take her, her brother and sister in - care for them - give them food to eat, and love into their lives, and Christ in their heart. Please pray for Oneida and her family as we continue to develop a trusting relationship with her.
My two sweet girls

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Upcoming Week
Next week we have our "normal" ministry work - Kids Club on Monday, ESL on Tuesday, and free medical clinic on Thursday. However, this week is also bitter-sweet for us. Sweet because our home church arrives Friday night! I almost can't stand it I'm so excited for them to be here. Madison cleaned her room without being told for goodness sake! Bitter because after 9 months, our intern Josh, will be leaving us. We are having a going away party this week at one of the more expensive restaurants in town, but he's worth it! Then back to our house for the only desert he really likes - cheese cake! It's a fortune to make because of the cream cheese, but again - he's worth it!
So this is an ending of a season here, all the interns will be gone, but the beginning of a new season here as well - to continue on with our ministry with 2 families, that will hopefully become more.
So this is an ending of a season here, all the interns will be gone, but the beginning of a new season here as well - to continue on with our ministry with 2 families, that will hopefully become more.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Zelaya attempted to return to Honduras today, and was advised at the border he would not be able to cross. He is currently back in Nicaragua talking about continuing negotiations. We continue to monitor the situation, and all continues as quiet as it has been since the beginning.
We just said "adios" to a family who has come to see if La Ceiba will be the sight of their new home. They are currently seeking a new ministry location, and spent some days with us checking out La Ceiba, and our ministry.
This weekend the boys (Mike, Sean and Josh) are taking some of the kids in Armenia Bonito out to a club soccer game at the stadium. This will be a first time for many of them.
Tonight Madison and I were able to go see Harry Potter. It was opening night here, and they had both screens showing the movie. That is the first time they have put the same movie on two screens since we have been here. We had a BLAST seeing it - loved it - and can't wait to go see it again. Movies only stay in country for 2 weeks, so we need to go hurry!
Next week we will be preparing for our home church, Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church, to arrive for a 12-day mission trip. We are SO excited for them to come and meet our family in Armenia and work along-side us with our ministry work. After that we have two more teams that are coming - so this next month is going to be as crazy busy as the last month. Please pray for us, the ministry in Armenia, and the visiting teams.
We just said "adios" to a family who has come to see if La Ceiba will be the sight of their new home. They are currently seeking a new ministry location, and spent some days with us checking out La Ceiba, and our ministry.
This weekend the boys (Mike, Sean and Josh) are taking some of the kids in Armenia Bonito out to a club soccer game at the stadium. This will be a first time for many of them.
Tonight Madison and I were able to go see Harry Potter. It was opening night here, and they had both screens showing the movie. That is the first time they have put the same movie on two screens since we have been here. We had a BLAST seeing it - loved it - and can't wait to go see it again. Movies only stay in country for 2 weeks, so we need to go hurry!
Next week we will be preparing for our home church, Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church, to arrive for a 12-day mission trip. We are SO excited for them to come and meet our family in Armenia and work along-side us with our ministry work. After that we have two more teams that are coming - so this next month is going to be as crazy busy as the last month. Please pray for us, the ministry in Armenia, and the visiting teams.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kids Club, English Class And Possible Teammates
Our Family and our team have been joined by two MTW missionaries since Monday. The couple are here to meet our teammates and determine if they would be a good fit to join our team permanently. They have joined us in all of our ministry work and have gotten to know all of us. They are here with us for five days.
Monday we held our weekly Kids Club. The kids learned about Esther through a skit our team put on. Mike played the part of the King and Maddy was the narrator. We had 25 kids attend.
Tuesday was our regular English class. Mike lead the class on opposites, listening comprehension and family. We broke into small groups to help the students with pronunciation and had each student read a small story.
Thursday is health clinic, so lots of work ahead of us.
Mike and Maddy in the Kids Club skit

Maddy helping students in English class

Erin working on pronunciation in English class

Mike leading English class
Monday we held our weekly Kids Club. The kids learned about Esther through a skit our team put on. Mike played the part of the King and Maddy was the narrator. We had 25 kids attend.
Tuesday was our regular English class. Mike lead the class on opposites, listening comprehension and family. We broke into small groups to help the students with pronunciation and had each student read a small story.
Thursday is health clinic, so lots of work ahead of us.
Mike and Maddy in the Kids Club skit

Maddy helping students in English class

Erin working on pronunciation in English class

Mike leading English class

Monday, July 20, 2009
Pampered Chef

Hey gang – a friend of mine is having a Pampered Chef drive for me. All those items you just can't purchase in Honduras. She has created a wish list for me and posted it. If there is something you would like to purchase for me, it will be shipped to her (Stateside), and she will bring it with her when she comes down here.
This link is a list of items, and what people have already purchased.
After you pick an item you would like to buy for me, you can go to her website..
Enter my friends name as the host (Cristina Palmer) Then all the stuff will be shipped to her at a cheaper shipping rate. She'll bring what she can with her and the rest she'll mail to me if need be.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Mission Team to La Ceiba, Honduras - July 11-18, 2009
July 11-18, 2009 a team of 15 short-term missionaries worked with us here in La Ceiba, Honduras. The missionaries were from Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. This team did some wonderful work and were very gracious.
To see a 3 minute 5 second video of the work they did watch this:
To see a 3 minute 5 second video of the work they did watch this:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sweating, Swimming and Symptoms
Helping out at Pharmacy

Praying with our little patients

Assessment, Evaluation, and Patient Data on the computer

Working on the last few lines of "bloque"

Helping out Santos laying mortar and bricks.

Today another very full day. Started out with construction. Doesn't look like the house is going to be completed before the team leaves - but we will probably start pouring the floor tomorrow. We will only be missing the roof. Will have to be left for the next team. Ah well! Then, part of the team left with me and we set up the free mobile medical clinic. The team jumped into unfamiliar areas and did a fantastic job! We saw almost 40 patients ranging from an 18 month old who has almost lost the tip of his finger from an accidental machete cut, to a severe diabetic I advised to go immediately to the hospital. We finished up around 4 in the afternoon, back for showers, then out for a traditional Honduran meal. A good day indeed! Tomorrow is the last full day in La Ceiba, Honduras for this team this year. It sure seemed to fly by! Tomorrow is construction in the morning, then the afternoon for their 1/2 day off at the beach! As long as it doesn't rain like it did today! Yikes!

Praying with our little patients

Assessment, Evaluation, and Patient Data on the computer

Working on the last few lines of "bloque"

Helping out Santos laying mortar and bricks.

Today another very full day. Started out with construction. Doesn't look like the house is going to be completed before the team leaves - but we will probably start pouring the floor tomorrow. We will only be missing the roof. Will have to be left for the next team. Ah well! Then, part of the team left with me and we set up the free mobile medical clinic. The team jumped into unfamiliar areas and did a fantastic job! We saw almost 40 patients ranging from an 18 month old who has almost lost the tip of his finger from an accidental machete cut, to a severe diabetic I advised to go immediately to the hospital. We finished up around 4 in the afternoon, back for showers, then out for a traditional Honduran meal. A good day indeed! Tomorrow is the last full day in La Ceiba, Honduras for this team this year. It sure seemed to fly by! Tomorrow is construction in the morning, then the afternoon for their 1/2 day off at the beach! As long as it doesn't rain like it did today! Yikes!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Day 1 of Construction
Helping with the craft during Kids Club

Singing songs in Spanish

Learning the in's and out's of mixing concrete on the ground

Putting up the grout - becoming quite adept I might add.

Yesterday the team woke up bright and early - made breakfast - prepared lunch - applied generous amounts of sunscreen and bug spray and ran out the door ready to take on the day! If was a full day indeed! The morning we spent the time continuing construction on the house in the village where a family of 13 live all together in a small little house. We are building a separate house on the same property for a husband/wife/daughter of the same family. After much sweat, laying concrete, blocks, and mixing cement on the ground - it was a successful day indeed! After a lunch break, they had a fun time hanging out with kids, playing, putting on a skit, singing songs, and having a great time!
This morning was a little bit slower getting up - the work and heat already taking a toll - but with no less enthusiasm they ran out the door prepared to take on the day today! More construction, English class in the afternoon, dinner out for traditional Honduran food, then the youth are headed over to the McCann's house for some fun!

Singing songs in Spanish

Learning the in's and out's of mixing concrete on the ground

Putting up the grout - becoming quite adept I might add.

Yesterday the team woke up bright and early - made breakfast - prepared lunch - applied generous amounts of sunscreen and bug spray and ran out the door ready to take on the day! If was a full day indeed! The morning we spent the time continuing construction on the house in the village where a family of 13 live all together in a small little house. We are building a separate house on the same property for a husband/wife/daughter of the same family. After much sweat, laying concrete, blocks, and mixing cement on the ground - it was a successful day indeed! After a lunch break, they had a fun time hanging out with kids, playing, putting on a skit, singing songs, and having a great time!
This morning was a little bit slower getting up - the work and heat already taking a toll - but with no less enthusiasm they ran out the door prepared to take on the day today! More construction, English class in the afternoon, dinner out for traditional Honduran food, then the youth are headed over to the McCann's house for some fun!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
First full day for our team
Church In Armenia Bonito With Our Short Term Team

Sunday was the first full day in La Ceiba for our short team mission team from Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. They had a full day of pancake breakfast at the house of the McCann’s, trip to the grocery store, “gringo” church at the Pettengills, a neighborhood walk to the local fruit market, then off to Armenia Bonito for a worship service with one of the churches we work with. They are excited, full of energy, and ready to take the day on tomorrow. It will be the first day of construction in the morning, working on the house our last team started, and then Kids Club in the afternoon.

Sunday was the first full day in La Ceiba for our short team mission team from Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. They had a full day of pancake breakfast at the house of the McCann’s, trip to the grocery store, “gringo” church at the Pettengills, a neighborhood walk to the local fruit market, then off to Armenia Bonito for a worship service with one of the churches we work with. They are excited, full of energy, and ready to take the day on tomorrow. It will be the first day of construction in the morning, working on the house our last team started, and then Kids Club in the afternoon.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Prepping for our team
So, as of yesterday afternoon, our team of 18 from Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church in North Carolina, has decided to come. We weren't sure, as the political situation is a little unstable here in Honduras. However, things have been quite calm in La Ceiba, nary would you know that there has been political upheaval other than an established curfew. However, Zelaya (ex-president), and the current government have been behaving themselves quite nicely. So, our team, after much discussion, prayer, and advise of their session, have decided to come! However, because of the last minute decision, we are frantically running around to prepare for their arrival. Lindsey and I will be off for hours today purchasing food, supplies, etc. Mike will find an additional van to rent, and purchase all the construction materials to start building on Monday. So - pray for us as we prepare for this team...pray for the team coming that their hearts will be set on doing His work for His people...pray that lives will be touched through the actions and words of this team.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Back to work
We have returned from our time off at the islands. Now we are back to work getting ready for teams, planning for activities that will happen, grocery shop for teams, prepping our house to once again have the presence of lots of people :-) This is our "busy" season, and we are excited to see how God will use the teams that are coming down to serve His people here in Honduras. We currently have one house that is half built in the village we serve, and we are excited to finish up that project so we can start another.
Madison continues to enjoy her time off from school. She just got her bottom set of braces. She has had to wait while her upper teeth move to allow space for the bottom ones. She now has her full set of braces :-) She has also told me that she is "ready" for a hairstyle. So, we are off to get her hair cut, pay rent, buy groceries, and MAYBE go catch a movie.
Madison continues to enjoy her time off from school. She just got her bottom set of braces. She has had to wait while her upper teeth move to allow space for the bottom ones. She now has her full set of braces :-) She has also told me that she is "ready" for a hairstyle. So, we are off to get her hair cut, pay rent, buy groceries, and MAYBE go catch a movie.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Just an update on us. We are all well. We have been spending a few days on one of the islands off the mainland of Honduras. This trip has been planned for quite some time - an opportunity to spend some time together as a family, get a little de-stressed, and just enjoy some time at the beach.
Currently our home church, Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church just finished up their fireworks booth, which is an annual fund raiser for missions with HUGE success! Praise God for all their hard work, and for the funds that will be able to go towards missions! They are also getting the gears running for their annual VBS. It's times like this that I feel somewhat homesick. For 3 years I was the children's ministry director for our church, led VBS, implemented the fireworks booth for support raising, and just had a BLAST during this time of the year. It's a little difficult knowing that all of these things are going on without me, but I LOVE seeing things going so well for our little church! Prayers out to SOPC that many little people will come to know the love of Christ during VBS!
We leave to go back to the mainland tomorrow. It has been a relaxing time, but once we get back, we will be hitting the floor running. We have another team coming in 5 days, and we have much to prepare for their arrival. Can't wait to see what God has planned for this team! He sure is pointing His finger down here in Honduras - now we can't wait to see how He is going to use everyone!
Currently our home church, Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church just finished up their fireworks booth, which is an annual fund raiser for missions with HUGE success! Praise God for all their hard work, and for the funds that will be able to go towards missions! They are also getting the gears running for their annual VBS. It's times like this that I feel somewhat homesick. For 3 years I was the children's ministry director for our church, led VBS, implemented the fireworks booth for support raising, and just had a BLAST during this time of the year. It's a little difficult knowing that all of these things are going on without me, but I LOVE seeing things going so well for our little church! Prayers out to SOPC that many little people will come to know the love of Christ during VBS!
We leave to go back to the mainland tomorrow. It has been a relaxing time, but once we get back, we will be hitting the floor running. We have another team coming in 5 days, and we have much to prepare for their arrival. Can't wait to see what God has planned for this team! He sure is pointing His finger down here in Honduras - now we can't wait to see how He is going to use everyone!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Voice Of The Average Honduran
The 7.5 million citizens of Honduras are peacefully making their voices known, but very few media outlets are reporting the desire of the people to the extent it deserves. Mike and I have personally talked to over 150 random Hondurans and asked what they thought about the government situation and we have not found a single person that is not happy with the government change.
This past week there have been several "peace rallies" in favor of the current government and opposed to ex-President Zelaya. If this was a "military coup" would this many people support it?
25,000 people in Choluteca on July 1st

5,000 people in Tegucigalpa on July 1st

10,000 people in San Pedro Sula on July 2nd

3,000 people in La Ceiba on July 1st
This past week there have been several "peace rallies" in favor of the current government and opposed to ex-President Zelaya. If this was a "military coup" would this many people support it?
25,000 people in Choluteca on July 1st

5,000 people in Tegucigalpa on July 1st

10,000 people in San Pedro Sula on July 2nd

3,000 people in La Ceiba on July 1st

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Honduras Peace Rally
During the National Anthem - proud Hondurans saluting their sovereign nation!

Signs in both English and Spanish

A picture of ousted President Zalaya, sitting on a toilet over the country of Honduras. What you may not be able to see is his toilet paper is the country's constitution.

I was personally invited up on stage to get some pictures. They were so excited to see a "gringa" that was clearly in support of what they were doing. I told the rally leader that I would be sending out pictures to CNN and Fox News that day.

Yesterday there was a peace rally with over 3000 people in the city of La Ceiba participating! If was a peaceful rally, people holding flags, and wanting the world to know the truth of what is happening here. It was incredible to be a part of what went on - this is such a historic moment for the people of Honduras as they desperately fight for their democratic rights! There are a number of VERY good articles that discuss what is going on, the democratic process that Honduras is fighting for, and all the illegal activities including drug trafficing from the ousted Honduras president. One is here (thanks Ted for this link!).
Another interesting development - Honduras just picked up two allies. Israel and Taiwan have stated they are in support of the current government and will not stand for other countries using military actions or sanctions against Honduras.

Signs in both English and Spanish

A picture of ousted President Zalaya, sitting on a toilet over the country of Honduras. What you may not be able to see is his toilet paper is the country's constitution.

I was personally invited up on stage to get some pictures. They were so excited to see a "gringa" that was clearly in support of what they were doing. I told the rally leader that I would be sending out pictures to CNN and Fox News that day.

Yesterday there was a peace rally with over 3000 people in the city of La Ceiba participating! If was a peaceful rally, people holding flags, and wanting the world to know the truth of what is happening here. It was incredible to be a part of what went on - this is such a historic moment for the people of Honduras as they desperately fight for their democratic rights! There are a number of VERY good articles that discuss what is going on, the democratic process that Honduras is fighting for, and all the illegal activities including drug trafficing from the ousted Honduras president. One is here (thanks Ted for this link!).
Another interesting development - Honduras just picked up two allies. Israel and Taiwan have stated they are in support of the current government and will not stand for other countries using military actions or sanctions against Honduras.
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