Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bienvenidos a Jamie, Josh y Andy!

Welcome to Jamie, Josh and Andy who will be spending 6 months working with us. They went on a tour of La Ceiba and out to the community of Armenia Bonito to see the area they will be ministering in. Caught a few other sights, then back to our house. We ended the evening by playing a hearty board game of Settlers of Catan. We were laughing, eating, challenging each other, and just getting to know each other better. It was a great day, and they are all settling in well. The only bummer is our refrigerator went out again. So, their introduction to our house included using a cooler to store all of our cold items. In "normal" refrigerator drama - it will probably be up and functioning either later today or tomorrow. Ah...the life in a 3rd world country! Today we will be meeting up with some friends for lunch. After lunch we will be having "gringo" church at our house, and finish up the evening by attending a church out in Armenia Bonito.


J Stu said...

love those Settlers! can i come stay at the pettengill household too?

Unknown said...

Dude - you are ALWAYS welcome :-)