Well - I preach it everyday when teams are here. It is SO important to drink sufficient water when here. The humidity is so high, and it's so blammed hot here. Often people say "I'm used to that kind of weather - I'm from _______ ". However, what I try to explain is that in your home state, it may be this kind of hot with this kind of humidity - but it's different when living it in a 3rd world country. Here - there is no getting away from it. We don't have AC in the house - and there certainly is no AC in the village. We don't go to our AC office, and drive in our AC car. So, we are sweating, almost quite literally, 24/7. With rare exception, it doesn't cool off during the night - so I sleep with a wet towel to cool myself off during the night. Well...yesterday was no different. I was sweating from the minute I got up out of bed - took Madison to school, walked the 2 miles home. I walk/jog with my neighbor - 3 miles. Then - I had so many chores to do yesterday, it was about 4+ miles out and about. Then the 2 mile treck back to Madison's school to get her. All in all, it was about a 11+ mile day in the blaring heat. I was keeping track - drank 2 liters of gatorade, and 2 liters of water. However, by 2:30 in the afternoon I felt like I wanted to vomit. I was feeling light-headed - had to lie down and just chill. My husband came home (YEAH!!!!), and shoved my liter water bottle in front of me - I've had enough I thought, but being a diligent wife, I drank it all. The more I thought about it - I realized I had only peed once all day...hmm...bad sign...on the fringe of heat exhaustion - I finally took my own advice and quickly drank another half gallon of water/gatorade. Imagine to my surprise when I felt oh so much better! So, even though I was sure I had had enough water - I guess the bottom line is - you can never drink enough! I'm still feeling the repercussions of yesterdays bout - my body is still dehydrated, I can tell. But all in all - much better. So - DRINK WATER!
Hey...You always drink so much water...it is hard to imagine that you would not be drinking enough...It must really be hot there!
I read this post after we got back from spending the monring downtown yesterday. We went with our pastor's wife to shop for items for a wedding Sunday. About 10:00 or so, Audrey started feeling sick like she was going to throw up. She just kept saying Mommy I don't feel good and she barely could walk she just got tried so fast...then finally she just puked right in front of a street vendor...so we came home not really knowing what was going on. After reading your post I am guessing she was dehydrated. None of us took water or anything, because we didb't want to take a backpack or anything. It was an exceptionally warm day and we walked ALL over in a super short time...mainly because there wasn't much open yet...so Neris kept wanting to walk some place else hoping it would be open... :)
Anyway, thanks for sharing the experience because I k=now know to be more careful...
Love ya! Hope you are feeling better!!!
Oy vey, that is HOT. and humid. sticky, i'm thinking, is the understatement of the century.
fall is coming early in wyoming it seems. been in the 40s at night here already. not in kansas anymore...
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