Thursday, November 8, 2007

Trip home from San Carlos

On our way back from the San Carlos mission trip we had the opportunity to stop in this beautiful quaint town. In the center of town was a church - and outside of the church were some beautiful trees/shrubs trimmed into many different shapes. Here is a picture of what we saw.
This week we are have some guest speakers in from the states. They are refreshing us each day with lessons. The theme of the lessons is Cultivating Gospel Transformation of our Heart. It is rich and we are enjoying it immensely. I've had the opportunity to play three times this week on our worship team. This is really helping to improve my confidence for future work. I am really grateful for this opportunity.
Tomorrow night we are going to a symphony performance at the National Theater downtown. It's an incredibly beautiful theater designed after the theater in Paris. I believe the symphony will be performing Mozart. This will be Madison's first symphony performance she has seen.
Saturday is a day of REST. We have almost nothing planned - maybe a movie - maybe not. We shall see.

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