Erin Pettengill is a missionary nurse through Mission to the World (MTW), the mission sending arm of the (PCA). I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years. My family and I served in Honduras for 7 1/2 years where we were involved in Medical/Mercy Ministry, Street Children, English classes, Kids Club, and Church Planting. We are now serving in Equatorial Guinea, Africa in medical/mercy ministry and biblical teaching.
Monday, June 27, 2011
So - we are in the middle of teams - and having a GREAT time! But in the midst of all that, life still goes on. Madison had an entrance exam at her school today. Because she had been out for a year while we were in the States, they required it. Now I have all her school supplies to purchase, uniforms to get made, and get ready - school starts August 8th. Wow! That just seems so early to me. Anyway - Madison is also leaving in two days to head to the next largest city so she can catch a plane early the next morning. She will be gone for a month and I'm thrilled, excited, and yet apprehensive all at the same time. She is going to have an amazing experience, and once she hits NYC, I'll feel much better - the whole international flying by herself thing has me a little on edge. We also have someone coming down for a week staying at my house. She is on a vision trip to check out our ministry and see if we are a fit for her and she is a fit for us to come down and work for a few years. And then comes the 4th of July. I still honor the US holidays - I'm a homeblooded American, and also happen to love my host country. However, there is just something to say about 4th of July and a good BBQ. Then we are actually going to take a few days to be just by ourselves, Mike and I. We are headed off to the islands for 2 days of scuba diving. A much needed break, before we come back to back-to-back teams - woohoo!!! Gotta love Summer!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Christ Community Church Mission Trip to Honduras
June 18 - 25, 2011 we hosted a short-term mission team from Christ Community Church of Gainesville, FL. The team put on a medical clinic in Armenia Bonito and treated 35 patients. They also did construction on a house and a ministry center, taught English and organized Kids Club.
Watch this 2 minute 45 second video to see their great work:
Watch this 2 minute 45 second video to see their great work:
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Clinic and a New Baby
Today at clinic, with some folks from Christ Community Church helping out - we saw 35 patients. Lots of kids with severe diarrhea - makes me wonder what has been stirred up in the water system there - lots of kids very fragile that hopefully will be better soon with some good meds in them, rehydration fluids, and careful tending. And a fun thing I got to do today. A young woman, who already has 2 children came in with varying miscellaneous "symptoms". After much discussion, I finally asked her if she was pregnant - honestly - not many of her symptoms matched what I would describe as symptoms of being pregnant. However, something prodded me to ask her if she was. With a look of "you are crazy" and a firm "NO!" I finally convinced her to take a pregnancy test for me. After the second line showed up DARK with NO hint of being a maybe/kind-of result - I advised her that in fact she was pregnant. Then I looked at her again, and her face had fallen. So I asked her if this was good news or not so good news. She shook her head, looked sadly at her two other children, and said that no, this was not good news. It's such a mixed blessing to the people in the village we work in. The people are SO poor, knowing that they have one more mouth to feed for some just puts them over the edge. It was clear that this was not a good moment for her. One thing I've been wanting to do since I arrived in Honduras, three years ago, was to offer childbirth education classes. The concept is, no pun intended, SO foreign here that the thought is almost laughable to people when I mention it here. But I'm determined! Especially after having volunteered in labor and deliver (a full blog coming soon). So, I've started offering my "service" to come be with them when they are in the hospital. However, there's a few catches. They must come to my clinic once a month to receive pre-natal care - pre-natal vitamins, and then sit through a class on childbirth. They then will be put on my list of people who can call me and I will meet them at the hospital to be with them when they deliver. NO ONE is allowed in the delivery room with them during the entire labor/delivery process, so to have me as a labor couch, sit with them, guide them through the process is going to be amazing - but I DO insist that they meet me half way. After I told her what I was interested in doing, and what her part was, she lost interest. However, maybe after the "shock" has worn off from her news, she will re-consider. I am praying that this happens! Will keep you all posted.
On our property in Armenia Bonito the process has started for the construction of the medical clinic! I'm SO excited! I can't WAIT to get this up and running! I have so many amazing plans in my mind!
The three squares in the front are exam rooms
The square in the middle is the pharmacy
The square in the top right is the supply room
The square on the middle row on the right is another exam room
and the others are waiting areas
On our property in Armenia Bonito the process has started for the construction of the medical clinic! I'm SO excited! I can't WAIT to get this up and running! I have so many amazing plans in my mind!
The three squares in the front are exam rooms
The square in the middle is the pharmacy
The square in the top right is the supply room
The square on the middle row on the right is another exam room
and the others are waiting areas

Sunday, June 19, 2011
So - yesterday our second team of the summer arrived. We have enjoyed some great rain. Madison is leaving for her internship in NY in 11 short day!!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!! Tomorrow I have another opportunity to go to the public hospital. This visit is to meet the Chief Nurse so she gets a feel for who I am and what I can do. Hopefully this will give me a chance to not only act as a doula in the Labor and Delivery department, but to provide nursing services as well. I pray is goes well. I am taking guitar lessons. Okay - that's the update - a good blog posting soon.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A Missionary Kid going on a Mission Trip
Madison, our 15-year-old missionary daughter, will be leaving Honduras for the month of July to serve as a cross-cultural missionary intern in New York City.
In the next 10-days Madison must raise nearly $3,000. We would like you to prayerfully consider supporting her New York internship.
How you can help?
The following link will send you to a website that allows you to make an online contribution. Within minutes you can make a tax-deductible, credit/debit card contribution:
(make sure 16189 is in the designation)
What is the internship?
Madison will be working at different churches in the city and will also be spending a large amount of her time with individuals and families who wish to become international missionaries. Madison's efforts will assist in the preparation of sending 30+ future missionaries all over the world. Our family attended this very same training when Madison was 11 and she was under intern supervision. In this one-month internship she will be lending her four-years of experience as a Missionary Kid to help prepare future Missionary Kids for their work around the globe.
Why New York City?
Our mission sending agency (MTW) holds this training each year in New York City. There are 8 million people living in New York City. Thirty-six percent of the population is foreign born and over 170 languages are spoken in the Big Apple. This cultural diversity makes New York an ideal location to expose new missionaries to different lifestyles.
Madison's desire to serve others is a great testament to her heart. We wish to encourage her and allow that servants heart to flourish.
Please consider supporting Madison through prayer and financial support. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Mike, Erin and Madison Pettengill
Monday, June 13, 2011
A Tour of the Dorms
Since September of 2010 we have been racing to finish our dorms to house short-term missionaries this summer. The 1st floor of the dorms are finished, safe and livable.
Watch this 4 minute and 25 second video to see the amazing work:
Watch this 4 minute and 25 second video to see the amazing work:
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Faith Presbyterian Mission Trip to Honduras
June 4 - 11, 2011 we hosted a short-term mission team from Faith Presbyterian Church of Sonoma, CA. The team put on a medical clinic in Armenia Bonito and treated 35 patients. They also did construction on a house and a ministry center, taught English and organized Kids Club.
Watch this 2 minute 45 second video to see their great work:
Watch this 2 minute 45 second video to see their great work:
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Diving off the Three Rocks in Honduras
In Honduras behind the community of Armenio Bonito there is a swimming hole called Tres Piedras (Three Rocks). We regularly take the kids there for a bunch of great fun.
Watch this 2 minute 30 second video to see the fun:
Watch this 2 minute 30 second video to see the fun:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Overview of our mission team in La Ceiba, Honduras
Our missions team consists of PCA/MTW missionaries serving full-time in La Ceiba, Honduras.
Watch this 2 minute and 25 second video to see our work:
Watch this 2 minute and 25 second video to see our work:
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Theological Conference in Honduras - June 2-4, 2011
June 2-4, 2011 our mission team organized a theological conference entitled "Affairs Of The Heart". This three-day conference was attended by 58 pastors and leaders from local churches in La Ceiba, Honduras.
Watch this 2 minute 15 second video to see this great blessing:
Watch this 2 minute 15 second video to see this great blessing:
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Clinic and CPR
Today started like most Thursdays. Arrived to our clinic location to a full house. Gave a devotional on, "What if God says No" - in answer to prayer. I really enjoyed the devotional and was excited to share it with those who were waiting. It was a loud day - lots of crying / mad / screaming children - controlled chaos, that kind of thing. About 4 hours into the clinic, one of our scholarship kids - Carlos - came running into the clinic. I couldn't understand a single thing he was saying he was talking so fast. The only thing I really got out of his rambling was "abuelo" and "problema" - okay - so his grandfather was having a problem. But the anguish in his eyes is what eventually got me moving. I grabbed my stethoscope and BP cuff and ran to his house which is right near our clinic area. I came upon his grandfather - Santos Ruben Alvarado - in a bad situation. Best I could guess, he had a massive stroke. After a quick assessment, a quick set of vital signs, I put him on a portable pulse ox that I have - (for you non-medical people - it checks the oxygenation in your blood stream) - he was reading at about 65% (92% is "normal"). His eyes started to roll, he was becoming non-responsive. I told the family he needed to go to the hospital NOW or he was going to die. That at least got them thinking - but now the logistics of that. No taxi's come out to our area - no ambulances are even available for the public to use - only private ambulances exist in La Ceiba. I kept looking back and forth for someone to make a decision and finally knew I was going to have to take charge and I called Mike. He was at the airport picking up our boss who came in for a three-day conference. He arrived within a few minutes. I ran back to the clinic area to grab my "emergency" bag (face mask, a few emergency meds, IV start kit, etc). By the time I got back he had collapsed in the chair he was sitting in. I picked him up and put him on the floor. Started CPR. After a few roundsof CPR I knew this was bad. I asked to the room, "does anyone else know CPR?" - my dear husband (after a quick deep breath) jumped in to help. We worked on him for about 30 minutes. I attempted to start an IV - no go. Finally, after 30 minutes, I just looked at Mike, held his hands to stop compressions, and "pronounced" our friend. There were many people around which gave us opportunity to pray with the family and put him in a comfortable position, quietly gather our belongings...we left. When I started CPR, I already knew the likelihood of success - little to none. I knew there would be no on there to "rescue" me (i.e. paramedic to get him to the hospital). I have had an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) on my wish list for over 3 years. Anyone who asks, I always send this list out - it includes meds, supplies, and equipment. But I know the reality - the reality is it's a$1300 piece of equipment! I'll probably only ever end up using it a few times - so I've always pushed for the things I knew I would use a lot - pulse ox, bandage supplies, medicine, etc. But, this time, maybe...(and that's a big maybe) it may have saved a life. So - looks like I'll be pushing for that AED a little harder!

Carlos, our scholarship kid, has been through so much in his young life. Abandoned by his family, and taken in by his grandparents. He now has lost one of them. His grandfather was a believer - so he is rejoicing and standing in the presence of our Lord. But Carlos is still here, and his heart mourns for the person he sees as father. One of the crazy things about all this - this family is one of the families that was chosen to have part of their house re-built by our short-term teams. So they will have love and blessings poured on them from teams that are coming.
Santos is pictured here on the far right.

Carlos, our scholarship kid, has been through so much in his young life. Abandoned by his family, and taken in by his grandparents. He now has lost one of them. His grandfather was a believer - so he is rejoicing and standing in the presence of our Lord. But Carlos is still here, and his heart mourns for the person he sees as father. One of the crazy things about all this - this family is one of the families that was chosen to have part of their house re-built by our short-term teams. So they will have love and blessings poured on them from teams that are coming.

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