Erin Pettengill is a missionary nurse through Mission to the World (MTW), the mission sending arm of the (PCA). I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years. My family and I served in Honduras for 7 1/2 years where we were involved in Medical/Mercy Ministry, Street Children, English classes, Kids Club, and Church Planting. We are now serving in Equatorial Guinea, Africa in medical/mercy ministry and biblical teaching.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Marathon bound
Monday, March 28, 2011
An Urgent Need In Honduras
We are on a time crunch and we need your help. Our desire is to complete the first floor of the dorm building before June 4th so that when our first mission team of the Summer arrives they can sleep there. We are scheduled to host 10 mission teams from the U.S. this summer. If we don’t get this dorm ready by June 4th each team will sleep in our personal home with us. We are asking you to prayerfully consider giving a one-time financial gift to help us meet this urgent need.
Hosting short-term mission teams from the U.S. is a great benefit to our ministry. In the past those teams have shared our home with us, including our small kitchen and two bathrooms. We have simultaneously hosted up to 20 people in wooden bunk beds in our home. This new dorm will provide more space for those visiting missionaries and a little bit of breathing room for us.
There are two ways you can make a onetime contribution:
1) On-line:
Use your credit or debit card right now by clicking HERE.
Please make sure you enter 92412 as the designation.
2) Check:
Mail your check to:
Mission to the World
P.O. Box 116284
Atlanta, GA 30368-6284
Attn: #92412
Make sure you write "#92412" in the memo of the check.
If you would like to learn more about the downtown ministry center you can watch our 3 minute 30 second video by clicking HERE.
Or, you can look at recent pictures of our progress by clicking HERE.
Please be in prayer that God will provide the funds we need to complete this dorm by June 4th. Also, please consider forwarding this information to your church or friends and ask them if they would be interested in supporting God's work in Honduras.
Thank you so much your prayers and support.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Building continues on the dorm
Our Honduran workers have been racing to try and make the first floor of the two-story dorm livable. It is our hope that the first floor of the dorm can be completed by June 4th so that our first of 10 summer short-term mission teams can sleep there instead of our crowded house.
On Tuesday the workers poured the entire cement roof. It only took them one day. They started at 9:30am and finished at 5:30p. They used three trucks (or 19 cubic meters) of cement. It was a long day and the men are tired. But, they did a great job.
The entire two-story dorm will not be ready by June 4th, but if we have the first floor livable and safe by then we should be able to sleep up to 30 missionaries in a facility complete with toilets, showers, electricity and super secure doors and windows.
Please keep praying that the next two months are complete with safety, hard work and sufficient funds to reach our deadline.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Phoenix Seven Summit Challenge - Hiking
Watch this 2 minute 50 second video to see the hike:
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Armenia Bonito Ministry Center Update - Spring 2011
Watch this 3 minute 20 second video to see the amazing progress:
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Under The Mango Tree - Spring 2011 Update
Watch this 3 minute 30 second video to see the ministry center:
Monday, March 7, 2011
School in Honduras
Teachers union leaders have called for a national work stoppage on Wednesday for teachers, leaving once again, 2.3 million children in Honduras without an education for the day.
This is the fourth nationwide strike called so far this year. The first general strike was the first Friday of the school calendar. The second nationwide strike was declared during the third week of classes. In early March, i.e. in the fourth week of classes, the leadership of the Association of Secondary Teachers of Honduras (COPEMH) convened for the third time, asking educators to be absent from the classroom.
To the constant calls for work stoppages by teachers, the Minister of Education, Alejandro Ventura, reminded that each day the teachers do not work, they will not be paid. Already in March, teachers will have four days deducted from their pay for not holding classes.
Several parents associations have asked the National Congress to review the Teachers Statute, and have it repealed.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Walk 500 miles...
Next time you make it to a gym, and head over to the treadmill, set the speed to 5.0 mph. Now WALK that speed...don't ever break into a run/jog. That's what I've been training at. Training for what?! A marathon. WALK A MARATHON you ask? Who in their right mind would even THINK about doing something like that?! Well - me for one. My knees just can't take running, and I really wanted to keep in shape while in The States. So - I started with a half marathon training, and graduated to the marathon training. I use Hal Higdon's training methodology for marathons - I just walk everything he says run.
So - what would that look like on a map? Well - I've walked over 550 miles so far in my training and I have about 70 more miles until the marathon. Currently, that's the equivalent of walking from Boston to Richmond, Virginia. And what would I have seen along the way?
Washington DC
Lots of blisters, a few injuries, burned tons of calories. During the training I've trained in California, Arizona, Utah, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Alabama and Honduras. I've only missed 2 cardio training days in that entire time - and even threw in some hiking in the mountains of Arizona on my cross training days. I will have done five 10K races and 1 half marathon race. That means walking 13, 15, 17, 18, and even 20 miles during my training. And yes, what you are thinking, it takes a LONG time! My 20 miler took me 4 hours and 11 minutes. I ate along the way, drank over 2 1/2 liters of water, and burned over 2,400 calories.