Today Mike, Madison and I hosted 50 kids in our weekly Kids Club in Armenia Bonito.
It was a fun and special Kids Club for all of us.
The kids received a great message about David and Goliath, had fun and enjoyed a new experience…watching Veggie Tales.
For our family it was really fun.
Madison is 13 our family is charter members of the Veggie Tales family.
Madison was raised on their videos.
We took the kids out to the field to play some games. The kids were corralled into the town hall and I read the kids the real story of David and Goliath. We then projected Veggie Tales’ “Dave y el Pepinillo Gigante" in Spanish (Dave and the Giant Pickle)” - for the kids. This was the first time we projected a movie for the kids and the first time any of them had seen a Veggie Tales movie. The kids got a rare treat of popcorn during the movie.
After the flick the kids colored and decorated a picture of the “Giant Pickle” with Matthew 19:26 underneath it - Para Dios, todo es posible (with God, everything is possible). A really fun day.
Reading the story before they see the movie so they know it's a bible story, not just a fun movie.

Madison helping out with craft and making her own

The kids proudly showing off their creations

Movie Snacks

Kids Watching The Movie

Mi Amor - Oneida