Erin Pettengill is a missionary nurse through Mission to the World (MTW), the mission sending arm of the (PCA). I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years. My family and I served in Honduras for 7 1/2 years where we were involved in Medical/Mercy Ministry, Street Children, English classes, Kids Club, and Church Planting. We are now serving in Equatorial Guinea, Africa in medical/mercy ministry and biblical teaching.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
31 Days Of Prayer In October
Please print out this prayer calendar and use it as a guide to pray for us in October.
We are seeking an abnormally high amount of prayer in October. We want you to share this calendar with others -- hand it out at Bible studies, put it in your church’s bulletin, send it out through prayer chains. Put it on your fridge, in you Bible, on your dashboard or at your desk. Pray privately, pray publicly, pray with your kids or at the dinner table. Pray for 20 seconds each day or 20 minutes. But, please pray.
It is our desire to remove barriers and to protect our family and our ministry. You play a major part in this ministry. Thank you for your participation in this vital aspect of Team Honduras.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” - Matthew 7:7-11
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Day Of The Bible
Take a look at this 2 minute and 40 second video to see all the happy faces and their new Bibles:
Friday, September 25, 2009
Honduras update
GOOD commentary by Newt Gingrich:
On a happier note - we were able to start back up with our ministry work. We had our mobile medical clinic yesterday, saw 25 patients, and met back up with many of our friends out in Armenia Bonito! Woohoo!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Curfew update
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Curfew continues part 5
Curfew continues part 4
"El Gobierno de Honduras en cadena nacional de radio y televisión, anunció que el toque de queda en todo el país inicia desde las cinco de la tarde del miércoles sin precisar la hora en que finalizará." For you non-Spanish speakers, this is basically what it says: "The Government of Honduras announced on national radio and television that the curfew nationwide that was started at five in the afternoon of Wednesday, there is no specific time it will end."
So we sit in our house, with plenty of food and water (although it may get interesting if we have to start eating waffles and pancakes from now on...), waiting to hear what tomorrow brings. We have our planned mobile clinic in the village - I went ahead and prepped for it - preparing as if we will go, but will have to wait to see what the news announces. If we can - we are going to try and get to the store tomorrow to re-stock and prepare for whatever may come. Please continue to pray for us, the people in the village, the people of Honduras, and the government as we continue under unsure times.
Couldn’t Stand It Any Longer
Mike has been complaining about his beard for a week. When you have too much time on your hands and you need some entertainment drastic events occur. For your viewing pleasure:
Curfew continues part 3
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
curfew continues part 2
curfew continues
Zelaya's return
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I'm back
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Honduras Independence Day
Stealing completely from my husbands blog (it IS a complement afterall) - he said it so well, I couldn't say it any differently:
Happy Independence Day
Spain granted independence to Honduras along with the rest of the Central American provinces on September 15, 1821. This year Honduras will commemorate 188 years of independence. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua share the same day of independence.
Parades effectively stop the traffic in all major towns, schools close for the celebrations and there are street parties across Honduras on Independence Day every year during the week of September 15th.
This year Independence Day will be marked with protests inside and outside of the country. The four other countries that share the same Independence Day with Honduras are blocking Hondurans from participating in mutual celebrations. In addition the supporters of the ousted President are calling for boycotts of festivals.
Nonetheless the country will shut down in celebration of its independence. Parades, parties, closed schools and businesses will mark a week of celebration.
Join in the celebration. Eat a baleada, drink some horchata, hug a Catracho, remember that all is tuani and say a prayer for the people of Honduras.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Drive For School Supplies
We would like to invite you, your family, your Sunday school class or your church to help the poor kids in Armenia Bonito have the school supplies they need to attend school. The school year in Honduras runs from the end of January to the middle of November. We would like to provide hundreds of poor children with the school supplies they need to attend school in 2010.
If you would like to provide school supplies for the kids in Armenia Bonito there are two ways you can help:
1) Purchase school supplies in the U.S. and mail them to:
Mike & Erin Pettengill
P.O. Box 1090
La Ceiba, Atlantida
Central America
The cheapest way to mail a package to us is to use the US Postal Service’s Flat Rate boxes.
2) Collect money and send it to us using your debit or visa card. We will buy the school supplies here in Honduras. You can send money buy using this link - http://www.pettengillmissi
In Honduras many parents have to choose between feeding their children and sending them to school. By sending a few extra dollars or a few notebooks you could provide a chance for a child to attend school in 2010. Thank you for your prayerful support of our Drive For School Supplies.
Please have all school supplies or funds in our hands by December 31, 2009.
Here is a list of things they need
colored pens/pencils
individual pencil sharpeners
colored chalk
blackboard erasers
paper (all kinds)
finger paint (small containers)
backpacks and book bags
glue sticks
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day Of The Children
Watch this 2 minute and 43 second video to see the happy kids:
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Dia de los Ninos
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The missionary mother of a teenager

Often times people don't think about the life of a mother of a teen on the mission field. Mostly, people think of the young mother with young children. Of the trials and difficulties of this time of life. This IS a difficult time of life, I was there, but in a different environment. Worked nights, full-time, stayed at home with my infant daughter so she wasn't hardly in anyones care other than mine or my husbands. Difficult times indeed. As a young kiddo I homeschooled her AND worked full-time night shift, and hardly slept at all during those times. So I GET what it's like to be tired all the time – frustrated all the time – but loving every minute of it! On the mission field, people always think of the young mom – often times unsure of themselves, or struggling without resources. Not often does one think of the “older” mom. What does it mean to have a teenager on the mission field?
My young girl – becoming a woman
Have I raised her in a Godly manner?
Have I given her the ability to resist temptations?
When I am not with her, does she look to her God?
When troubles arise
in a school she does not know
in a culture she does not know
with peers she can't relate to
what will happen?
When she comes home crying
because she can't speak the language
When she struggles in class
when class mates make fun of her
How do I respond?
When she struggles through hormones
When she realizes that her clothes matter
when her hair matters
when her looks matter
She still comes to me and is looking just for a hug
The mother of a teen on the mission field
Who struggles with her own inadequacies
But not letting those show to her daughter
Who is trying to deal with her own
The mother of a teen trying to model a Godly woman
trying to BE a good woman
trying to be a wife and a mother
But struggling with all the responsibilities of ministry work
Where is the balance?
No one sees the struggles
No one sees the pleading with God to ease the pain of her child
No one sees the tears as her child relays the pains she is going through
The hours of homework help
The books you read to help you understand
The hours on your knees for your child
The lectures
The mother/daughter talks
The laughter
The crying together
Knowing there will be things she will miss
No prom to attend
No dances at all
No clubs to be involved in
But the joy she is receiving in the experiences she has
That's she's NOT a missionary kid, but a kid missionary
That she is learning another language
That she thrives in caring for others outside of herself
That she loves on kids in the village
That she is just herself
So as I realize there are so few who understand my situation
that there are few who relate or even think of my struggles
I stand in the knowledge that my God cares for my child
that He gives her just what she needs
And gives me just what I need.
So I ask you to remember – not only those with little ones to care for
But for those of us who are trying so hard to rear a Godly woman in an unGodly world
Upcoming Week
Friday, September 4, 2009
Brainstorming continues
Our local women's bible group started a new study this week. It's entitled Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed, A Study of David. I'm not convinced yet that it is going to be a good study. I'm only on week 1, but already see a few concerns. I'll hold out before I pass judgement. However, during the video portion of the study, the speaker - Priscilla Shirer - quoted Reverend SM Lockridge - it reminded me of his sermon I have heard a number of times - have shared it with a lot of people - but never tire of listening to it. Please take the time to check it out - you WON'T be disappointed!
Madison continues to do well in school. She has some very sweet friends. I'm amazed she has already been in school for 3 weeks! Wow!