Well...it's been a long time in planning - but it's finally going to come into fruition. Jamie and I have come up with the idea to host a "pamper the girls" day. Not the local missionaries, but the young girls out in Armenia Bonito. These girls don't use shampoo - can't afford it - typically it's a bar of soap or nothing. Neither do they get their hair cut - unless it's a quick snip with a random rusty pair of scissors. So - this is our plan - take the girls down to the river - have a shampoo station, a conditioner station, a hair-cut station, hand and foot scrub station, then fingernail and toenail paint station. After we have primped them all up, we plan on renting a bus and driving them to a local Lions Club (yes...believe it or not there is one here) and projecting a movie up on the wall - treat them with pizza, popcorn, drinks, etc. It's going to be a GREAT day! The planned day is February 28th.

How fun! "I want to be involved!" Well - here is your opportunity! Send our way body spritz bottles, shampoo, conditioner, nail files, fingernail polish, cute hair clips, ribbons, barrettes, you get the idea! But - you have to send it soon! Takes a good 14 days for stuff to get our way! What we don't receive we are going to have to purchase, so we need to know what is going to be available. Where to send it? Erin Pettengill P.O. Box 1090 La Ceiba, Honduras. That's it! Then sit back and watch the fun when we post the video from the event!