Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We Have Pickup

Thank you to everyone who made this possible. We are now in possession of a pickup truck! Thank you for your prayers and financial support. We were able to raise $8,000 towards the purchase and we want to thank everyone who wrote a check or prayed.

The truck is a Nissan Frontier, 2 wheel drive, 4 door, 4 cylinder, manual everything.

We had been taking the bus and walking everywhere. Let me tell you how vital this is to us…when we need to get out to Armenia Bonito (where we do much of our work) it takes 25 minutes to drive a personal car or 1 hour and 45 minutes to walk and take a bus. That is a 3 ½ hour round trip verses 50 minutes. This will free up so much more time for ministry.

It will be easier to get around, haul things, drive on bad roads, and it will be much safer. Amen!


Unknown said...

PRAISE GOD! I am so happy Erin. What a gift.
Love you,

Zoe said...


J Stu said...

Hey, McFly. Nice wheels. Wanna race!?