Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dr. Roger

I would like to have a formal introduction of our new doctor.  His name is Roger Guillen.  A little bit about him

I'm actively looking for monthly supporters for his salary.  As a part-time employee (30 hours a week), I will need to pay him $1400 a month.  The easiest way is to click ON THIS LINK to give electronically - it's SO easy.  So - if you have ever wanted to be a part of the ministry, and wasn't sure where to be involved - this is a great opportunity to become involved.  

First-degree Specialist in Pediatrics. Training in Intensive Care Unit. University Pediatric Hospital "William Soler". Havana, Cuba.

First-degree Specialist in General Medicine. Faculty of Medical Sciences of East Havana, Havana Province, Cuba.

Doctor in Medicine. Faculty of Medical Sciences "Dr. Salvador Allende. " Latin American School of Medicine. Havana, Cuba.

Dr. Roger, Mike our lawyer and I all met yesterday to work out some of the details of his work with us.  He is a Honduran, and did his study in Cuba.  He has volunteer worked with us 3 times at our mobile clinic in Armenia, and will continue to do so until the clinic is open and we raise his pay.  I've seen him at work and he is extremely professional, very knowledgeable, and best of all?!  He's from Armenia!!!!  He received scholarships to attend medical school - and he wants to give back to his community.  Just last week we had a kid come in and he diagnosed him with pneumonia.  In the past I would have given him oral antibiotics and told him to return in a week.  However, as Dr. Roger lives in the community, he saw him every day and gave him daily antibiotic injections - which makes for better health and recovery so much quicker!  How cool is that?!?!  

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with him and can't wait to work with him in an "official" capacity at the new clinic.  But it can't happen without YOU!!!  Please consider giving toward his salary - a monthly pledge would be incredible, but a one-time donation is awesome as well!

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