Monday, May 25, 2009

Kid's Spanish Christian Videos

Our team went looking for tutorials to help people learn how to sing kid’s Christian songs in Spanish. We couldn’t find any we liked, so we decided to make our own.

The videos can be used for kid’s clubs or Vacation Bible School (VBS). They have singing, hand motions and subtitles. We will use them to help short term missionaries and new teammates learn some of the songs we sing in our weekly Kid's Club in Armenia Bonito.

Here are the six videos we created if you want to take a look:

Aleluya, Gloria a Dios - Praise Ye The Lord
Aunque No Marche – The Lord’s Army
Esta Lucecita – This Little Light Of Mine
Yo Tengo Gozo – I’ve Got The Joy
Dios Es Tan Grande – My God Is So Big
Tu Eres Grande Señor – You Are Great God


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm going to share these with people at church. :-) Thanks for doing this!

The McClain's said...

Thanks! I'm gonna share them with our team! Great idea!!! :)