Sunday, March 10, 2013

Two weeks in

We are finished with 2 full weeks of the clinic being open.  People are coming from all over and we are getting some VERY interesting and complex cases.  Word is getting out that we have a lot to offer! It's great, it's tiring, LONG hours, it's wonderful!  I'm out the door at 6:30 and on some days don't return until 6pm. But I am thrilled!  I know this pace won't be the same in a month or so - things will have calmed down, ALL the medications and supplies will be out there and inventoried, so normalcy will come.

My masters program starts in a few weeks, and I'm excited about this as well!  I realize I have no time to be doing this, and I think I'm crazy, but the huge benefits of getting this masters program will be immediate!  So - I'll plug away at it.

Madison is in her final few months of her high school career.  She's excited, and majorly stressed!  She had a major oral / written Spanish exam to complete her year, but the director decided that she was able to do something totally different - so that took a lot of stress off of her.  Madison is involved in the Model UN, representing China this year, and has her big competition with many of the major schools in Honduras next month.

Mike is currently at a mens retreat - all of the guys are there - including Seth who is currently support raising in the States and Adam who is finishing up language school in Costa Rica.  It's a great time of enrichment and getting to know each other.

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