I am broken
I am broken
I am broken for Him
He saw me as I am
And yet He was broken for me
In all my sin
In all my frailties
In all my weakness
He was strong
He lived
He died
He gave it ALL for me
He suffered
He was beaten
He lived for me to be free
He died that I may be free
He lived so I would forever be free
He was the King of Kings
And yet His body broke for me
He was, He is, and He forever shall be
For me…
He is the way
and the truth
and the life
NO one goes to the Father except through Him...
He was pierced
And I was not
He was beaten
I was set free
He was condemned
and I was forgiven
they don't know...
they don't know...
and yet they are forgiven
He is condemned
and we are set free...
The King of Kings
the Lord of Lord
the bread of Life
The eternal life
The resurrection
The Forever