Thursday, June 21, 2007


Every once in awhile, it's pretty cool to see how God uses lots of avenues to be glorified! I had the opportunity to write an article for Young Life. And for some strange reason, they wanted to publish it on their web site. You can see the full article at :
I'm excited that God used this route for Him to be seen :-) . There is another 2 articles in the works that are going to be published - one for RN magazine, and another for Evangelism Explosion (EE). We also took a class called Perspectives. They also had me submit a 2 page article that they are probably going to publish. Go God! If you have a chance, take a peek at the article.

Madison is coming back from camp in three days. Sure seems like she has been gone a lot longer than that. I am excited to hear about her time, experiences, and will try and post some pics - depending on what they look like :-)

More later

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